Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wednesday July 30, 2014


Wednesday July 30 Coffee in hand I take Chevy ashore and well visiting nature I will take some time to listen to the weather on the dink’s VHF radio.  This out of ear shot of Pen so I can concentrate on what the nice weatherman is predicting for are anticipated crossing to the Port Hardy region.

Black Gold Fishing Lodge


Old Goose Bay Cannery

Loon Having a Bath

Again and again I must tell you, I am not a good listener and you must concentrate on what effects the area that you voyaging in and timing is paramount in planning a safe passage. Sea Otter ocean buoy is still not up and running and this is the hallmark for swell height when crossing to Vancouver Island or to the shelter of inside waters of the Broughtons. The one other bench mark is Egg Island Lighthouse and on an early morning report the wind is light (about 8 knots) and this is out in the big blue where the waves can heap up. The prediction by report is light wind in the morning and increasing 15 to20 in the afternoon. The nice weather man is forecasting sun and more sun for the north waters and that means to me brisk winds that start very early and last to late evening.

The Infamous Egg Island

We leave NOW as Penny will be too busy to fret and when we pass Egg Island it is down to 4 knots and that is good and there is just a low westerly swell running.  We move our course away from Cape Caution so to escape the currents coming out of the inlets and move into deeper water.  We want to be far away from Slingsby Passage as the current is brutal out of it as it drains Seymour that has very large inlets.

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