Saturday, August 2, 2014

Wednesday July 23, 2014


Wednesday July 23 we are unsure about are destination

Yukon Air Overhead
and have considered Ocean Falls but is raining and there is a lot in a name. We strike a course for a bay behind Bella Bella on the glide path for air craft coming into the North Coast. It is strange being in a bay that is remote, has wild eagles and such and there
are passengers and crew above us waving.

Kynumpt Hbr. was first settled in 1912 by the Strom Family and evidence of the old homestead with old net sheds remains along with old engine parts and glass bottles on the beach. Old cherry trees and currant bushes are still there, producing fruit stunted because of the no care or pruning.                                                                        
A Tree Even Older Than Penny

There in the corner of the bay is an old winch on the beach that if could talk would have tales about hauling logs about or perhaps it wasmounted on the stern of an old tow boat that was too tired to carry on.

Spare Parts for OA?



Did I mention that a salmon jumped onto my hook and she joined us later for a fabulous supper?

I Got a Salmon!









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