Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Saturday August 9, 2014

Saturday August 9 the new crew have not responded to the ships intercom for all to report to their ships stations for life boat drill and orders for the day, (THE LASHINGS WILL continue to morale improves.) There is one young member of the crew, in spite of some miner difficulties and small misjudgments in my command continue to respect the MASTER and COMANDER of the good ship OA. She will be given special rations post haste, the rest will have to suffer in there berths snuggled under blankets till there eye lids function.

The ship’s crew have finely reported have been poled and their general consciences that we depart Shoal Bay for Shawl Bay. This will take place when wind and tide conditions are determined by the crew to be favorable. The voyage to Shawl Bay was uneventful as the helmsman Gary followed the charted course as programed by the new navigator Chevy Thompson esquire. It was good fun as it is a home coming when we arrive. The “Flying Fish” is not far behind. The Marina looks in fabulous condition as Rob has returned to continue his good work with his family to tidy up the facilities. See former Blog.

Our priority is to launch the dinghy to set the prawn traps and the one crab trap.  We go off to Moore Bay see if we can find the mother lode of prawn. I become the chief officer for baiting the prawn traps. This is not an easy position for Davey as he is not one to take chopped DEAD SMELLY SALMON AND ATTACH the guts TO THE INTER FRAME OF The CRAB NET. The Admiral takes command and the traps have plunged in to be hopefully productive and will be retrieved tomorrow.  Stop at Moore Bay Forestry Camp for Chevy’s run.

Busy Shawl Bay

We return to Shawl Bay to do the social mingling that is a large part of why we continue to punish are self’s in the self-indulgent  and decadent life style. Chairs are set up at the end dock and the course of discussion will lead the boys to expound on tall tales of near misses with whales, the giant ghost halibut that almost swallowed them whole and the cougar that snatched a dog of the beach when it was being walked. It is dark now and time for ZZZZZZZZ’s.

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