Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Thursday July 31, 2014

Thursday July 31 It is almost fog free morning and my first course of important business is to get out of bed and there is no breeze and I do not feel the need to listen to the weather for a few days. I pull the crab trap that I put in the shallow bay and I retrieve the net that is down in about 20 ft. of water and have caught about a dozen red rock crabs and go to the DOF book to find the legal size and they need to be 115 cm to be kept and only the male are legal to keep. Now I know the ones that are males as they wear tight jeans with suspenders and the girls wear dresses, but I grew up in the land of foots and inches and I have to look at bilingual tape to size them up. In this case a boy’s size does mater. I let the ladies free but no luck for the guys and in the pot for you. I am glad they have accepted are invite and are joining Penny and I for appies. We are not sure whether we will invite the rest of the relatives as they are a lot of work for a little meaty conversation.

Pt Moody Sailboat Aft of  "OA"

The varnisher has arrived today (that’s Penny). Owning an old wooden boat comes with copious amounts of manual labour to keep her in the custom she is acquainted to. I thank Neptune that it is a joy for Penny to spruce up the old girl’s bright work. We have not done a lick of work on her in the last months and it is instant disintegration of all her finishes. This is a tight little bay and not well known as it is more than a little of the beaten path, but a small sail boat arrives today through the narrow cut in the rocks treading the kelp beds and tucks in behind us. I want to put on the DARK SIDE OF THE MOON by PINK FLOYD on the outside speakers and warn them off but the ADMIRAL fixes me with her the evil eye and I must be Good! May wait til midnight and howl like a wolf and run around half naked panting and growling. Penny wears ear plugs and won’t hear me but I am sure they will be gone at first light or sooner. As it turns out they are a very nice young couple and have anchored in this bay before. The name of their boat is “Palomita” and they are from Port Moody.


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