Saturday, August 30, 2014

Monday August 25, 2014

Monday August 25 I am up early and as I look out the pilot house windows I realize that the maples are turning gold and my walk along the old logging road is now covered with leaves. An Older truck sits parked along the road and looks to be abandoned. 

Trucks Just Waiting
Generally they are unlocked and appear to be in ok condition. There is no keys in the ignition but if you knew where to look you would find them. If you lifted the hood there would not likely be a battery. Two years ago we were here and a float plane came in with a couple of men unloaded there cork boots pack sacks and a battery .They went over to the truck put the battery in and away they went. I believe the trucks are left so that the stumpage can be calculated or the logging companies are surveying the roads and bridges for future work. They may also be left there for fire suppression work. Further down the road there is a truck lost in the alders, maybe this one is not in use any more.    

The change is very subtle but there it is, FALL IS UPON US. We will turn the boat to day to expose the Starboard side for close inspection hope that there is only painting involved and find little work to do other than priming and painting. Still its hard work the results are worth it. Penny is hard at work on the bright work and she is also making good progress.

Gary has left on “EXPLORER MAN” about nine in the morning to go fishing and on his way back to the Stewart Island area. We have the bay to ourselves other than a yacht that comes in and slides by asking if we have seen Grizzly and I respond that I have seen no scat of anything not even a mouse.  I suggest the there is a main salmon run in progress at the head of Phillips Arm and that’s where they would likely be. Off he went.

Happy Hour In Style

Falcon Waiting For Dinner

Water Willi Waws






The evening was spent with drinks lazing out in saddle chairs watching the sunset on the mountains and being delighted with the view of the williwaws sparkle on the bay waters. A falcon did perch on an old maple tree with his eyes open to the view of dining with a salmon on its way up the river at high tide.

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