Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Friday August 15, 2014

Friday August 15 Another FOGGY FOGGY DEW is all about and you can just glimpse the outline of the trees and you know the yachts are still in the bay as you can hear the purr of the gen sets. You know it breakfast time as there is the faintest whiff of bacon and eggs sizzling on the range drifting on a pixie like breeze. You know it is time to start the day and soon out will come out the Kabuzzers and Pickaroons (new tools for this day’s work) and the mess will start anew.

I am close to the final part of the work and the tiniest spit of rain is the haranguer of many many drops that will end the project for the day. I can work under cover on the back deck in the dry and I fabricate a small stainless support for the “Ravens/Hugin&Munin” antenna and polish it up ready to install when the weather breaks.
Pen makes chocolate muffins in the oil stove and fried eggs on toast for lunch. I have not had the luxury of a nap for a few days and the patter of rain, the purr of the now lit oil stove in the forward cabin lures my head to the pillow and puppy is not far behind to snuggle in. It is a good time out for Pen and who now nests with a book. The sun is pushing its way through the clouds and I may get another kick at the cat (finishing some filling on the starboard quarter). Mom bear appears on the beach with her two cubs.  Chevy has learned to mind her tongue from the safety of the loggers dock and leave them in peace. You can hear her calling softly to her brood and their soft mewing response and she knows they have not strayed far from her protection.

A day filled with work and a little fun. A dram of Irish whiskey for me and a glass of wine for Penny.

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