Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday August 7, 2014

Log Carrier Going to Pt McNeill

Thursday August 7 departure is on time with good visibility and special coffees for the entire crew were dispensed in the typical British Naval fashion with their half tot of RUM .The captain abstained as a good Master must. The QUARTER MASTER and HELMS MAN Gary Kleaman (Past Cdr BYC and member of DCYC) was at the helm tracking the course to SHOAL BAY just below Echo Bay.  Whales were sighted and we altered course to give them clear passage and the crew arrived in good spirits and thence forth promised future libations if they continued to step lively and continued to accept orders without hesitation and not continue admonishing the captain’s abilities.

Flying Fish 4 Joins Us
A cable of chain is set into the briny deep at precisely 2 fathoms of water at low low water. We launched the tender for shore duty and special leave was granted to the ships dog. Chevy has a private matter that she had to discreetly attends to on shore (and it’s not an old sick friend like the EAGLES SONG suggest). “Flying Fish” arrived and set her hook at approx. 3 cables astern of us.
The captain (me) takes the ships tender out and sets a course out of the harbour on a hunt for Moby the silver COHO and with cunning skill and superior ability invites his new friend home for supper.
Island of Gulls


The crew from “Flying Fish” join us for the wake for my silver dinner friend and celebrate his good but short life. Diane exceled in her enthusiasm and toasted with exuberance the passing of Mr. COHO. Don who is Master Mariner and Lloyds Approved Salvage Master regales us with the most interesting tales of ships and men on the coast. Don and Diane own the marina in Porpoise Bay Sechelt.  Then it’s off to bed for all of us.

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