Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wednesday August 6, 2014

Wednesday August 6 we are awakened to the tot tot of the log dump across the bay at 6.30am in the morning.  I pour a coffee for Pen, I feed the little rat dog and take the dinghy out for shore duty. Don off “Flying Fish 4” has said if I can get moorage for him he will be around for Gary and Wendy to help launch their boat.
I am at the Harbours Masters Office a little early but the girls that manage the office are keen and early too. I can hear the rabble out in the bay already baying for moorage in the marina so I respond on the hand VHF that they are not open yet and to cool there jets.(I  was in the office early)(you snooze you lose) We and Don are promised  moorage for that day and we both did get in. They were very busy but are very professional at accommodating us all.
There are a huge amount of fish boats in the Harbour Too for a very large opening. We all got together on OA for drinks and prepare some sailing directions for the next day suggested that we should be under way at no later than 6.30am and a comprise was struck at cast off time at 8.00. Zxzxzxzxzzzz. 

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