Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday August 11, 2014

Monday August 11 the sun is up early and not hiding under a Shawl of fog,  it’s time to haul are traps and move OA closer to Pt McNeill as Gary and Wendy are getting closer to the time when they will leave us. Just as we are leaving the harbour “Mariteem” (BYC) comes in and had we connected there would have been three BYC Past Commodores on one dock and the stories would like frozen honey on a piece of soft bread, too thick to spread. 

 Flying Fish” continues to hang out with us and Don’s very TALL tales (but true) continue to entertain us and Diane is wonderful company. We set a course for Napier Bay (see early on in the blog) as we will pass by Sullivan Bay and Gary will take the Girls into the store to check out the goodies. It is past high high season and the docks are not jammed to the rafters.
Trophy, OA & Flying Fish in Napier Bay

We hope the old logging dock at Napier Bay is not being used as this is a perfect place to hang out. This wish comes true and there is no one at the dock and this gives easy access to the shore for puppies and crew. Last sun is spectacular and with Penny’s sauté prawns, wine for the girls, coke for Gary, and a wee dram of Don’s best scotch contributed to the warmth of the evening. It was moving to low water and as we had tied to the dock on the shallow side the bow was close to resting on the bottom.  A check of the tide schedule confirms that it’s on the turn and no problem, but the tide would be much lower in the morn at about 7.00.

We meet a couple off a vessel on the hook and they had dinghy ashore down the bay and walked to the dock where we have tied and we have a good chat with them as they are good go north boaters.

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