Saturday, August 30, 2014

Friday August 22, 2014

August 22 Ravens have come by early this day as they do every day to check you out, (except on really rainy ones).They are a mom and pop combo (not crows, they travel in large family groups) and mate for life. They are territorial and as soon as their young can care for themselves they literally boot them out the nest to start their own life else ware. They find others (teenage dating) that their parents had the good sense to do and life is in a circle again. The morning is without fog and this means that I can start early. Pen is still in bed with her book with her best bud curled up next to her (not ME).

We spend the day sanding, grinding, painting, varnishing and cleaning up.  Dinner, totally bushed and ready for bed.

Our Audience

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