Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tuesday July 29, 2014

Flowers & Logs

Tuesday July 29 We are awakened by the wakes of the guide boats from Hakai, traveling through Spitfire Pass out to the big blue sea with Capt. Ahab seated in his fighting chair, rod at ready. There are other passages out to the killing grounds but none have the thrill to a newbie client who less than 24 hours ago was sitting his office with his mind drifting ahead to the great hunt that now will wash the mundane every day routine away. The close brush with both shores and spear shaped old snag trees that you feel you could be hoisted on if you don’t duck or just the slightest miscalculation by the guide as you speed by kick your heart rate up a notch. In a wink you’re safely by.  The rush of the bottom up to meet you at 30miles per hour and almost running aground in this crystal clear water is a thrill to even the most jaded cannot ignore.

The Best Fishing Spot in the Spider
This is the cream beyond the catch for the big salmon. It is time to leave this Jurassic park as we have been listening to the weather and this appears the time to move on. We are mentally preparing for our leap around Cape Caution and we want to be close enough to peer into the giant’s mouth, to know if he is sleeping.
We set are course out of Spider but we must swing out into the opening Pacific and when wind, waves and current meet in these small passes that is where you meet the big smileys. It is in this case just a short exposure time but you must prepare for it as you would a long passage in uncertain weather conditions. We set a course for Goose Bay in Rivers Inlet as there is a little hidey hole there that is bomb proof and pretty. The entrance is half fowled with a reef and at low water is a bit squeaky to get into but Penny is at the bow pointing to the deep part of the opening. This is a sanctuary for a mom seal and here new pup and she keeps the new one close aboard but both are curious about Chevy leaning over the bow.


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