Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Monday August 4, 2014

Monday August 4 I know that Pen is keen to complete her work as she is out of bed before finishing her coffee and if I am still under the covers the bed will made over top of me. Chevy scurries out of the way and I stand back as the whirling dervish attacks the paint splatter on the teak deck (no matter how you cover them the paint and epoxy manages to creep under the painters drop sheets) and washes  OA from stem to stern.  I screw on about three doz bits of hardware that have been removed so that we can we paint and all the screws have to be bedded in a compound to stop moisture from having a party behind the new finish.
We said good bye to “Mom” the other day and they were off to the Numas Islands to see if they could find a hidey hole there and they report back by HAM Radio internet that there was no safe anchorages there and ended up with for, strong wind and sea condition and kicked on the butt and had to work their way south looking for a safe harbour. They are connected by ham radio to the scuttle butt on the North Coast and have we have asked for an update to the story of the old guy.

Kate’s MOM turn 90 next week so they have to get near a plane that will fly them to Alaska. They came over to “OA” to use are internet as they cannot use the ham radio for that (rules).They thanked us and were on their way.
I have my nap with the dog and she is snoring, twitching and farting and wakes me up. We are still in semi fog in the islands that we are hidden in and it rolls in with its heavy wet blanket like a fairy lifting its wings. I am done with the darn fairy fog. We scoot out the narrow entrance to check out the wind conditions and return and lift the dinghy on to the top deck.


Another Beautiful Sunset

Rough Ride For Smaller Vessels



Fish Boats Everywhere

David In Port Hardy

I know it is not foggy in Port Hardy as this is shown on my I phone. I have an APP that is called Weather Bug and it has given me a satellite view of the coast and the cloud and fog. It is clear in PORT HARDY and that’s where we are going. It is only about 8 miles away and half the distance is in the shadow of some islands, it cannot be that bad out there. It was not like pee on the plate but tolerable (its blowing at 20 plus). We try to reach Port Hardy on 66 and there is no answer for moorage. We are after hours and it a long weekend. As it turns out there is lots of room at the Quarterdeck dock.

WE show some young kids aboard as they have shown interest in the old girl (the boat).Penny does a great job on some chicken in the old oil stove and I mix her a Martini for putting up with me and that smoothed the lumps. The bay is chocker block full of fish boats and the pinks are jumping everywhere here in the harbour. There are cash buyers for fish boats floating around the bay and the fishermen just bring the boats alongside, fish out, money in, just like the old days. It is time for zzzzzzz.  We listen to pinks jumping right beside “OA” all night.



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