Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sunday August 17, 2014

Sunday August 17 we are tied to an old logging dock with a ramp to shore and it would be a disgrace to not lower the Miss MA (YAMAHA motor bike 200) to the deck and explore the spider web of logging roads that intertwine on the North Broughton Island. Now she has not been of the top deck for at least a year and she will need a little bit of love and kisses to make her want to play with us.

Unloading the Motore Bike

The last time was at Jennis Bay where we explored the lake were the old abandoned logging trucks and equipment languished with trees and grass growing out of seats and between the massive old dully tires. The old Kenworth truck with it’s once shinny chrome insignia now green with several generations of neglect, once useful machine now forgotten.

 I put a battery jumper on MA and get her to turn over and she seems to be enthusiastic to want to run. Now lowered MA to the old dock I put fresh gas in her gas tank and give her a shot of go juice and she wants to play. We load up with safety equipment as we would take on the Raven’s adventure to infinity and beyond. The I-phone in my pocket will track us the same as on the water.

Old First Growth Stumps

It has been a long time for me to have to run the motor bike especially with Pen on the back with all the safety equipment, bear spray, VHF, radio, Eperb, first aid kit, camera etc. The old logging road is smooth with the odd small trees over hanging and the odd wind fall that we have to jump the bike over. There is a lot of bear scat on the road and you can see what they have been feasting on .One pile is full of black berry seeds, one shiny black mussels and ones with barnacles’ .The ones we do not want to see is a large pile with blond hair (mine).




Lake Not Far from OA

WE motor past a large lake and will return for a closer inspection on the way back. We run out of safe roads and come back to find a small trail to an old dock that had one time small  fishing boats or canoe moored there from the logging camp employees pleasure. There a small storage shed that I assume stored their small outboards and camping gear. The next time I come here I will be sure to bring a small spinning rod as this lake can’t be over fished and a small shinny chrome lure will be sure to drive the lake trout into fish heaven.
More Old Snags

Return to OA without dropping the bike. Meet some very nice people on the logging dock with the Largest Camano Yacht built (42?) “Dame Fortune”. There were only seven built before production was ceased and they have hull #1. Previously they had a Camano 31. They walk to the lake and back (on FOOT). This is their first time this far north and they are on a learning curve and I did not have the heart to scare them off with stories of the wolves on the beach last week, as they looked to be having too much fun with black poodle dog called Izzy. 

Pen insists that I join her and Chevy blackberry picking and I attend reluctantly, but really good berries.

                                                                    Chevy, I and the Ravens take a fast flight out of Tracey Harbour and anchored is a fish boat in mid passage. It has its stabilizers down and looks to be heavy with a seafood catch as I can see pumps discharging cooling water over board. I do not see her crew and I assume that they are waiting for tide wind or weather or having a nap. Her name is“Twilight Rock”. That is not unusual but what is on the top wheelhouse is. It is a bright orange bubble boat and I have to slow down to take a picture. This is a serious small commercial fish boat and the owner is dedicated to his survival in a sinking. It looks to be a one or two person life raft the same as ocean going ships have. It is complete with sealed hatches, antennas, strobe lights etc. Most have a small dinghy on top that would last one micro second in a tough sea and even then in a survival suit the best that you would is one hour in cruel seas. If you made it to the security of the life raft you would possibly have days, you might be bruised and beaten but would survive to help arrived.

It is ink black outside but I can hear a seal driving fish onto the beach and I image that he can track there presentence by the phosphoresce trail that they leave from there dash from sure to death such is life on the North Coast hear Chevy and Pen softly snoring in bed and I will be practicing in step soooon!



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