Sunday, August 31, 2014

Tuesday August 26, 2014

Tuesday August 26 we have promised ourselves a day off and perhaps a motor bike ride. The time is almost right to start south.

On The Road Again

Chevy a Long Way from Oceanaire

This is our last hurrah in this little piece of paradise as soon we pass through the Yuculta Rapids we will be in the Desolation Sound.

We will leave the unbeaten path and arrive in the serine waters and join the thousands of boaters who are cradled in her womb. Don’t get me wrong when Penny and I first came here this was the edge planet forty years ago or more and the anticipation of “the Good Lord can we do this?” is long past. This is a perfect place to spend a family boating expedition and if you want to expand your boating experience it is but forty miles away on the new edge of a different experience of paradise.
Government Dock at Stuart Island

Gone will be the seventy degrees of water of Pendrell Sound and for the most part, whispering waters. It will be replaced with tidal bores, chilled to the bone waters, fog, limited visibility, communication and Mr. Johnstone Straits who can be very cordial or nasty as a she bear protecting her cubs.

Sonora Resort at Stuart

WE are headed for Squirrel Cove and at Stuart Island the Cell service is now five bars and Pen attacks her blog site with a vengeance and manages to post a number of days that we have dropped behind. We have not been on this earth according to the people that reside in the south coast. Penny has to correlate my drivel with her common sense and place pictures that are reverent to the script. (I am allowed to touch the camera   sometimes but I forget to take the lens cap off.)  I do the pecking but the maestro has to put it together.

P/C Russ Curtis on Avanti II

We put the hook down in squirrel and Penny is still pounding on the computer and I go down for my nap wake up and she is no further along in her blog when I surface. Frustrating or what, there has to be a better way to do this. During her work on the computer and my nap, P/C DCYC Russ Curtis slips into the bay and anchors just of the bow.  He is with Peter that is piloting the “Avanti 11” around Desolation Sound with him as an able bodied seaman.

As we have come in from the cold (no communication) we now have cell 24/7 and we can feel the weight of social obligations that we put there on our shoulders. It’s not much, only another twenty pounds of foolishness. What we do notice is how much warmer it is below the rapids and it must have been a real scorcher in the Desolation in mid-summer when they were having a heat wave here and no place to hide. We tour the bay and settle in for a quiet evening. There is not even a fairy’s breath of wind to disturbed are sleep OR cool us down.