Friday, July 4, 2014

Wednesday & Thursday June 25-26, 2014

Wednesday June 25. Penny had a small growth removed on the top of her foot before we left. The surgeon agreed to let me TAKE THE STITCHES OUT so we would not have to wait for two weeks for him do the completion of his fine work. Well I have been married for nearly 49 years and do you think I could do this good delicate work without intervention on how to do this from Mrs.T, NO! It’s hard to be a saint and I love her dearly. (No dinner for DAVIE when she reads this).  Penny will, if she is not pulling weeds paint & Cetol anything that is not moving .Well with the new stitches just removed she is painting up a STORM at Loren & Shawn’s gathering place under the awning.  What are a few pulled stitches, but just you wait Penny when the surgeon sees what you have done to his  FINE work.

Health Board Arrives
 Thursday June 26 Rob, Shawn & Loren’s son headed out on “Sea Otter” at first light for Port McNeill about a 6am it's a five hour run if the weather is good for the crossing.  He has been giving them a big hand at getting the place up to snuff as July 1st opening for most of the marinas in this part of the world. He is a really good guy and Penny and I have watched him grow. His work is not finished, but there is a new baby close to arrival and he is home to do the DAD thing again.  This is number three. SHAWL BAY is very remote and he has grown up on a floating camp and it’s a very big world out there and he is a newbie at adapting to it. There is talk that if he can convince his wife they may spend the summer helping dad and mom out at Shawl Bay and he is real good at it. He is working towards being a security guard. Rob is kind soul and he will find his way, just a lot of speed bumps in the journey.   
Slipping into 'where did day go mode'. Penny is up at the head of the dock (the vortex of the gossiping center) she is continuing to paint up a hurricane.  She has moved past the storm mode of painting and her brush whirls around faster and faster. The girls have ramped up the juicy parts and Penny’s enjoying the painting and catching up on all the new stuff at Shawl Bay.
 A couple arrive that have an older Uniflight restored to mint condition. (Same model as  our friends the Shaaks). They live in a perfect world.  they have a large sailboat in the Singapore area now to cruise for our winter, and boat here for summer. They are world cruising and have sailed to Scotland, England, New Zealand etc .etc. He is a retired float plane pilot from Alert Bay and she was a nurse at the hospital. He had some short but sad tales about life on the coast. There are Many Dry communities here and the discussion was brought about by a visit that Mrs. T and I had to say about a bay near here. 
A Gulf Commander is traveling with the group and it's by far the prettiest on the coast.  The vessel to Lust for is “LaVida” and is in company with a Bill Garden design vessel of equal stature (only in Wood) the “Cahlita. 
A thunder storm has moved through, with a very good light show and "Chevy" is under the covers with Penny. PULLED the prawn trap, many small prawns a few large spot prawns

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