Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday June 30, 2014

Chevy leads the way
Monday, June 30. "HUGIN and MUNIN" is primed to go. She is loaded with

snacks, charts, I-phone, chart plotter, full fuel tank, and a SATELLITE “Beacon” for emergency, (you can be a long way from help up here.) Puppy takes her position at the bow seat, Penny
is the navigator. I drive and watch the small chart plotter. It can be very tricky running at high speed around the labyrinth of small islets and hidden reefs. It’s a lot like a water slide that has lost its direction with beautiful scenery whizzing by.
Camp Legacy
There is a number of floating game fishing camps hidden in Hurricane holes (They are situated in these small bays so the winter winds will not tear them to smithereens). There is the smallest gap at one end that we can just fit through at low water. We scare a mom seal with a very new pup that is hiding there from killer whales and eagles .The camp is just setting up, for it is early for the spring salmon season .(LEGACY is the camps name and you can go on line and read about it). We peek at the other small of the bay and are under way to our appointed destination

Dawson Landing

Dawson Store
We arrive at DAWSON LANDING and visit the store. It’s some time since we have been there and nothing has changed, except we are just older and the floats a little lower in the water. For the of edge world store, it is well stocked (a WALMART for this part of the planet). A small school house up on the hill. EVERYTHING must come in by barge or float plane, so the price is reflected in the merchandise cost.  (About double big city prices)and even more if you were shopping in Palm Springs). We buy stuff even if we don’t need it, for we want to support them so when and if we return there will be a store to come to.
As mentioned earlier storms are violent during winter and a lot of fish camps unbuckle from distant bays and tie up here in off season. (It’s the only way they can protect themselves.)  We are off in a herd of Turtles back down RIVERS INLET.  This time the wind has STIFFENED, up but are little cockle shell takes it well.

 I want to do MAGEE PASS and we only have large scale charts and there are two very very narrow passes that must go dry at low water. We are at low water and there's not much of a chance we can pass through. Penny will close her eyes when we get to the narrow spots. The bottom looms up fast and there is current dragging us into the inner basin and we have no idea what lies ahead and will have to work are way out at a higher tide and no current situation, If we get hung up.
Our Eagle

We make it even further into this secret place and we pass by at dead slow close aboard some uncharted rocks and enter the next narrow pass that is 2 boat widths wide.
We stop to take a picture of an eagle that does not acknowledge are presence andtoo fat to fly until we are very close aboard.
  Back to FURY.  It has been a good day, wine and a scotch in the sun on the front deck. Chevy is fast asleep for it’s hard to keep abreast of all that's happening and ALL is new to her.

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