Thursday, July 24, 2014

Monday July 21, 2014

Not Sure Who's Bed This Is?
Monday July 21 I awake to the pitter patter of rain on the deck (it was clear skies when I went to bed).I have not covered the instruments or the seats in the skiff and I must leave the warmth of my berth. In brief attire I dash out and as efficiently as I can cover up the now wet stuff. I plan to return without further ado to my bed but the black brat has taken over my corner and refusing to share.  She is allowed visitations in the morning and is not giving up without a fight.  Now I know I am not going to win as Penny is not supporting me in this battle as she now wants her usual coffee in bed.

We turn the VHF radio to hear weather and local traffic and COAST GUARD is, as they have been for several days, doing a “Pan Pan” for a vessel missing since July 11.  It is a 16 ft. row boat white with blue trim a square yellow sail that left Aristazabal Island for Port Hardy and is long overdue. The person on board is a 72 year old man and I believe he might be already visiting Davie Jones and getting a personal tour of his locker.  Had he missed the invitation and  hes made it to one of the many storm ravaged small islands.  Mom and dad Wolf and the kids would have been ever so glad to have invited him for supper. His voyage  is from Aristazabal to Port Hardy 150 nautical miles in some of the most treacherous waters in the world with standing waves that have marched their way all the way from Japan.  They grow deep and arch up on to the craggy shores of our northern waters.  I am sure that all vessels (hundreds) are monitoring their radios feeling  the need to help find this lost soul, but are helpless. We stand buy for good news that may never come and the mystery of the disappearance may never be solved. Such is life on the North Coast.

As a Segway, our coast Wolves on the outer islands are considered the most genetically pure of all Wolf breeds and were recently re-introduced (from some of our species) by the Russians to Siberia to maintain their purity of the breed.

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