Friday, July 18, 2014

Thursday July 10, 2014


Thursday July 10 Oh what a day it is, lounging on the front deck with coffee Royal. We take a gunk out of the lagoon entrance say are Good Day EH? to the crew of the large blue sailing craft “Mystique” at the entrance stemming the tide to enter.

Straight out of Kynoch Waters


The last time (several years ago) we were here there was a very small float plane aground in Laird Creek (near the entrance of the lagoon) with some steelhead fishermen camping.  We were a little concerned about them getting off the stones and gravel, but when we went to check later, they were safely gone.

We hang out under a 3000 ft. sheer cliff and move off for the fear of one small pebble dropping on my little tin head. We scope out Desbrisay Bay and find no bear, but an Ok area for anchoring.

The View From Our Moorage
Back to our sea home, scotch and white wine for Pen.  A little TV, heads down and gone zzzzzzzzzzzzz.     I have set the alarm on the depth sounder for two settings (when you drift off into too deep or too shallow).The big problem is when a small school of Minos hangs about under the mother ship for safety and sets off the alarm.   You stumble (still asleep) to the bridge only to find they have moved on.  It makes it hard go back to zzzzzzz when you have adrenaline coursing through the old system.

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