Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Saturday July 5, 2014

Saturday July 5 we are in Fancy Cove and listening to the Weather Station.  It’s blowing 25mph at Egg Island and we are very glad to be tucked into this secure little bay.  It’s raining again, and as it’s the North Coast, will probably turn into a fine mist then clear; almost starts to sunshine BUT DOES NOT and the cycle will start again.

We are close to SHEARWATER but lose the cell signal that we had in Codville, which is further away.  I think we are in a shadow from the tower by the mountains around us.

We share the bay with 3 sailboats, “My Wind Song”, “Slip Stream” and “Tula”.  

“My Wind Song” crew came over to visit with and share stories.  Penny did the entertaining and I listened to the conversation from the cosy of my berth (nap time for puppy and me).  

Oceanaire in Fancy Cove

Went for an exploration and  gunk to ADA and JANE. We didn't go further as the wind is picking up and it is not really nice out as it is cold and we miss the oil stove.  Rain comes, but clears as it gets dark, so perhaps tomorrow will be more pleasant as far as the weather. It has been a south wind and brings the wet. 

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