Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sunday July 6, 2014

Sunday July 6 Are we in for a better day? Maybe, Penny wants to go for a paddle in her small kayak. I want to work on the history of our involvements with boats and people who mess about in them.  As I move forth with this project I realize I will be finishing the last paragraph when “PIGS FLY”.   I must not lose interest in the trough, as this part of us will be lost to are kids and grand ladies if  I do not continue the scribing. I had forgotten how much I remember and how I wish I did not want to remember some of it...

                                                                               Penny & Chevy out kayaking

When Penny has a smile as wide as the sky you know that she is out in her kayak. Chevy is pissed because her best bud did not take her and she sits forlorn at the bow with great anticipation for her return.  “Now I say now, return please…. please….please…pretty please………….!” Penny comes back and picks up Chevy to go out in the kayak with her. She really I likes the first 30 ft.  Then turns to me as if to say, “Mom will not let me drive and I want to go faster like my speed boat, if not, take me back, I am bored, and gee this boat is tippy!”  

The evening ends with a wonderful red sky.

Red Sky at Night Sailors Delight

The rain comes and goes but the wind has switched direction and I take this as a good omen for sunny weather. We hear “Shaman 11”with “Raven Spirit” and they must have past us.

We heard a comment on the air about NAMU.  Apparently the docks are all but gone and the buildings are collapsing.

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