Thursday, July 3, 2014

Friday June 20, 2014

Fri June 20 up at 5 am to walk dog, no joy in Mudville.  She will have to cross her legs for at least 10hr trip. Wind observation at Grief Point very good with light winds. Later we pass Dinner Rock on starboard. Its moniker comes about as the passenger ship “Gulf Stream” which ran aground at dinner time in 1947 with loss 5 lives. Do you imagine having to get up from a roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, down your white nappies and trading this for a cork lifejacket and jumping into freezing water on a full tummy?  Inconvenient or what? Lund passing to starboard, this is at a highway end that reaches all the way to Patagonia, in South America.


Lund is a good reprovishing stop and has a pub with a very colorful HISTORY. Lund is also on the edge of Desolation Sound that is THE place to go where you will see everything from kyakers to some of the largest yachts that have come from all over the world. The Copeland’s (used to be called the Ragged Islands) has a marine park nearby and many dingy back to Lund to re provision. We site a humongous dead head and notify Comox Coast Guard on Channel 84 and they will put out a Notice to Shipping with Lat/Long. Busy with calculation on "Nobletec" for the

A 10' whirlpool
passage through either Seymour Narrows or Stuart Island’s Yuculta Rapids, both have very strong currents that can run up 14 knots in spring tides.
Both these passages can have incredible rips and whirl pools that can be 50 to 60 ft. across and 20 ft. depth at vortex. Destination is Forward Harbour near to Johnston Straits that can be very unpleasant if timed wrong.
Forward is a perfect wait and see and check out conditions before venturing forth. Running a little late to navigate are chosen route(Yuculta)  but we motor on and cross are fingers and toes  and close the ports and doors, put Chevy’s  boat coat on and dawn our own. We have timed it perfect (phew) and have a 2.55 knot push and are traveling about 11 knots over grown.

Government dock Big Bay
Talked to nephew Tommy Thompson (by cell) and an exceptional fishing guide who has guided the rich and famous, royalty and more important he has guided the largest salmon catch recorded in that fishing area (made the papers).  
For those who like fine dining, Carderos floating restaurant and moorage north of Stuart is again open for business. Talked by VHF (channel 66) and the person on the other end of the wireless said they are going full boar (I take it they serve the roast pig).
Pushed through the Green Point rapids with a nice kick in the butt on an ebb tide (the tide floods from the north and ebbs from the south in this part of are coast).  Arrive in Forward, put puppy ashore, still no job completion, work in progress, it could be plunger time (just kidding who has a plunger on a boat).  (It is a very good tool to carry if you have the space for a small one).
Last sun, but showers all about, it is magical. SCotCH and WInE time….. Talked to John on “Sun Break” he has built a double ender rowing "Pea Pod" dinghy and she really moves. I can see the gleam in Penny’s eyes.  Maybe I can get rid of the kayaks. Take the little girl for last walkies, we like small islands as most unlikely that there NO very yery large pussy cats about!! There are two sailboats anchored here as well.


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