Thursday, July 3, 2014

Saturday June 21, 2014

Sat Jun 21 Under way at 5.30am, winch for anchor will not activate, mess about in chain locker a bit and can’t determine if it’s the foot switch or the solenoid, get it to work but will have to track down the cause as this could happen at a most inopportune time (like when the wind picks up at anchor and you have drifted into another boat on dark and drizzly night and can’t get your shorts on fast enough). Penny is a nervous old girl (even after 60 years of messing about in boats) and when we have old man Johnstone Strt. behind us she is fit to live with again, don’t get me wrong she is the wagon master and if she doesn’t want to go and I do, no dinner for Davie.
ABOUT JOHNSTONE STRAITS, it can be NASTY or no problemo, listen to weather VHF and particular FANNY Island if wind is light, and tide is going with the wind, you’re good to go. If the weather picks up there is a safe moorage in PORT NEVILLE or turn at HAVANNAH CHANNEL to Port Harvey where there are goods docks with nice people as proprietors. Keep checking on weather app on my I- phone, WeatherBug, and computer, Weather Canada looks good  for Queen Charlotte Sound but storm force at Cape Caution and beyond.
The most awwwwesome app on our I-phone is called “Beacon” (you must have data from Telus or some network that allies with them).We are traveling up Johnstone and you can turn it on and on its funny little screen. If directed you can see any vessel on are coast that is registered. Not only that but it gives course, speed where it’s registered, engines, length. Depth, etc. etc, a very (in color) pretty picture of it by a professional photographer. It also can show YOUR vessel to them if wanted, just turn on the “Beacon” and you will be present on their AIS receiver.   For some of us who worry about 'big brother' watching maybe not a good thing, except in fog.
When traveling north you will see many strange and weird vessels. THUNDERING down Johnston is the” OBERTRON” 50 meters in length at 20 plus knots. She has a small motor yacht as a tender on her back deck looks to be 38 ft. or more. We saw her in Coal Harbour a week ago.   Probably been to Alaska and back, maybe late for dinner at the BAYSHORE.  She is moving so fast that the bow spray hovers in a cloud that must reach her bridge 3 stories above. Weird or What?  I calculate that she burns about 500 gals per hour or near to $2500+.  I don’t think I could afford such a bad habit and what about global warming.
Checked weather again. No going north. We turn into and around many little islands (old Indian burial places) and head up Knight Inlet to Retreat Passage for Waddington Bay, exceptional anchorage and BEST pee island. Launched the dink. The Great White fisher person puts on his best fisher hat takes his I-phone music and goes out to slay dinner perhaps a big Spring or a 70 lb Halibut.

A strike, REeL!!I SAY REeL dummy Reel, up pops a small Tommy Cod with big brown eyes I just had to let him go, he looks so sweet.

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