Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wednesday July 16, 2014


Fish Farms & Logging in Jackson Narrows
Wednesday July 16 we set course for Jackson Narrows.  There is a tight and shallow pass at the end and we call a security on the VHF radio, as we do not want to meet opposed traffic head on particularly with strong current pushing us through. It goes like this, "Security Security, Security this is the 50 ft. motor yacht Ocean Aire transiting south bound Jackson Narrows. Any opposing traffic please respond on Channel 16." (That’s the short version).  This brief call sure can avoid a scramble in a narrow pass.

Rescue Bay With Lots of Boats

We anchor in a bay at the entrance of the pass on the east side called RESCUE BAY. This is a very popular anchorage and we share it with about 10 boats. 


Chevy and I go fishing (and I think I hear a Whale) I see the whale near the pass and am confident that he is too busy doing this thing to mess with me. I set out in an opposite direction and am setting my fishing line out to my 40 pulls.  I turn on my headset for music and Chevy settles down in her forward seat. Curls up and is now fast asleep.

WHooshssssssss, right beside us the large grey leviathan breaks the water surface.  I feel like AHAB meeting his WHITE WHALE. Chevy is now awake and puzzled; she thinks this is shore time for walk on an island. She has no idea that this is another animal as big as a house.   I put the engine in neutral and let the creature slide buy. He/she knows that I am there but is too busy making a living. I wait for 5 minutes for the creature to resurface and I know not where it went.

Just another quiet night!

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