Thursday, July 3, 2014

Going North in 2014

"Oceanaire 1"

David & Penny Thompson have enjoyed over forty years of cruising our Pacific Northwest Coast. 
We would like to share our experiences with you. These are ramblings, mutterings, lies and pilot house confessions aboard the “Ocean Aire 1”
Penny and I dedicate the following to new and old students of Canadian Power & Sail, also to the Instructors who volunteer their time and knowledge to further promote boating safety and enjoyment. Here’s to you, who year after year participate in the grand tradition that you perpetuate. YOU ARE HEROS! For the Newbies, volunteer your time, you will be rewarded a thousand fold. We need fresh meat in CPS to carry on, YOU ARE IT!

The following is reported by Admiral Penny, Helmsman David, and land lubber “Chevy” the dog (under the covers who reports “it’s time to go back to the desert”).
Some of he spelling is the authors invention and has been added to our dictionary.

"Chevy" the Ship's Dog

June 20, 2014 5.30am departure BYC, Cape Caution “to Infinity and beyond” (Bud Lightyear and I were good childhood friends). Squirrel Cove is the planned first destination. Weather not looking good, south wind picking up to 3’ moderate sea condition on the stern, hard to get weather reports unless you speak French. ( After 3 hours of listening to weather (VHF) we find that it is gusting 35 knots at Grief point where we will pass on are starboard side if we continue. We set in to Pender Harbour as fear and common sense filters in.
We are fortunate to belong to Burrard Yacht Club and they have an outstation in Garden Bay complete with good docks, power Wi-Fi, club house, and a HOT TUB. It is early in the season, black berries and all sorts of strange plants have taken residence on the property. Penny is the goat in the family and attacks the over grown weeds around the outstation with a nasty vengeance, Chevy right in there pulling up the ones that she cannot get (she is a landlubber to). I am delighted that she is taking it out on the weeds not on ME for making the sea conditions uncomfortable.
I have downloaded “Predicted Wind” on laptop not sure it was a good investment in money and time, time will tell. Go to weather Canada site to get confirming info on laptop. (Very good cell on the way up the coast). We have a Telus stick with a data plan, booster and small portable router. A must have if you want to keep in touch with business, family, weather etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hello David and Penny,
    You may recall that we met on the May long weekend this year at the Maple Bay boat show, where you gave us a tour of Oceanaire 1. I was with David Doig who owns Midnight Sun. You also gave us your card with the link to your blog of your travels north in 2014. I've now read through all of your posts with great interest and enjoyment, as we are planning a trip north this year. Thanks very much for all of the info and tips! Hopefully we will get to some of the places you explored on your trip a few years ago.
    Cheers, Uwe Hildebrandt
