Monday, July 7, 2014

Thursday & Friday July 3-4, 2014

Thursday July 3 Rain in the morning but sun is working overtime to make its way through the cloud.

The Parks Boardwalk


This is commitment time, do we go to Sagar Lake or hang out and wish later we should have.  It's not an easy trek into the lake and both of us are over 70.  We don't thinks we are old, but it is a slippery climb over roots, though bogs and up rocks holding on to ropes.
 We figured it must have been 30 or more years ago when we had are first black lab SPAZ that we first went to Sagar.  When he hit the beach running and I figured he was just running ahead at 90 miles per hour to show us the way (before labs we had small rat dogs that were tough but stayed close, not take off like a rocket on nitro).  We climbed like mad to catch up through the bog and slippery rocks over hill and dale.  No time to admire the beauty of the miniature dogwood or the delicate creeping ferns or even the skunk cabbage.   We pressed our way up to the lake that we had never visited before. We moved out on to a brilliant brown sugar beach……….. it took are breath away. We stood with are feet rooted in the deep granule honey sand.  

The perfect mirror of the lake was only broken by the of two Canadian geese that now scampered into the air leaving a thin exit wake before there released from the lake's surface into the clear blue sky. Their chaotic honking echoing off the rock faced mountains that cloistered us. We sat down took stock, where’s puppy? Why was he not here to greet us,  did he not know we were not far behind,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then it hit us.  We had lost him ,,,,,,,,,.What to do?  We dashed backed from the beach over slippery logs leaving us with wet butts and skinned shins. A little bruised and wet from the excursion.  We looked and called everywhere……………. and then peek ed over the edge of the dingy and his sheepish grin told the story. “SORRY SORRY MOM AND DAD I JUST GOT LOST” and I will never do it again, and he never did. H was the best dog ever ever.

Friday July 4, 2014

The fan at the river outlet

 Today we stern tied “Hugin/Munin with one of those springy things with a small anchor attached with her stern out into bay. Lifted the outboard up, as the tide is still dropping.  Put a line to shore, unload the cargoes of the dog, knapsack, forgot the beer( darn). In the knapsack we have chocolate treats, cheese, large role paper towel (you never know when it could come handy for ……….. or napkins, or bandage press, or to light a fire and a lighter etc. etc). camera, small bear horn, cell phone (which I forgot to put in bag) and a small hand held VHF radio (did I forget the beer) and did I tell you I had aleash for puppy, and the Admiral.

Looking for sticks
We press up the trail and the Parks Board have done a sterling job of putting planks over the squishy spots. Chevy sticks ( like  glue, a good rat dog trait) and only dashes ahead for a short time and returns to tell us to hurry up & hurry up…………. To tell us the party will be over if we do not go faster.

We hear family noise ahead and give a small toot to let them know to put on bathing suits, so puppy would not be embarrassed about them all in their birthday suits. They were decent and I uncovered puppies eyes .We left them to their piece of paradise and ambled further down the  golden crescent shaped beach

Two old snags

  Chevy now dashed into the lake and learned to be more like are dearly missed old black labs.  She swam out without thrashing about.  Maybe we have a sailor rather than desert dog. Stay tuned for this.
We return without incident.

We weigh anchor for FANCY COVE in Lama Pass. A new anchorage for us with a PERFECT PEE island.

When you boat with a dog, it becomes a priority to anchor near a spot for puppy to walk and do their thing. Some marinas like Shawl Bay, have a floating doggie dock with trees and lots of tall grass, but right now we'll settle for an island.

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