Friday, July 4, 2014

Thursday, Friday & Saturday June 26-28, 2014

Thursday June 26 Chevy has developed a nasty cough and we are going to have to monitor it. Another great pancake breakfast. The rain is moving off and the guests are in high spirit.
Shawl Bay
SHAWL BAY derives it name from a shawl of fog that drapes over the small hill beside them, which is unique when there is no other fog in the area.
Friday June 27. We gave Chevy some anti-antihistamines and the she is improving. We think she has as picked up some grass seeds up her snoot. Mike and Betty on "Shaman 11" have arrive and Mr. Johnstone was not kind to them so they spent the night in Port Neville and moved up to Port Harvey then the day after to Shawl Bay.
The prawn fishing is not improving and we should haul, but leave it for the next day.

The "Bead Lady" has sold her place and moved over to Port McNeill where she has a shop near the marina.
Carol "The Bead Lady's" Old Place


Sat June 28. We say good bye to Shawl Bay and head to Sullivan Bay for fuel, grog and veggies. Sullivan is a favorite of the upper crust yachties and many posh float homes have become the destination for float planes from Seattle.
Dave visiting "Deer Leap" at Sullivan Bay
It is like Shawl Bay, a floating community only larger and lots of mullah.

Tracey Harbour is are destination and in the head of it is Napier Bay, are favorite logging dock, and it is again free from a large logging show. We tie up for the night. The last time we were with the MacLeods. Sadly Jim is no longer with us but we remember are time with him with great fondness.
"Oceanaire" at Napier
We take woofer for a long walk on the logging road.  Lots of little log clearing. When we get back we check out the surrounding area, gather up all the garbage and loose odds & ends and have a small fire, which we enjoy for our Happy Hour.  After supper we have a little TV and retire..
Penny tending Fire

Tomorrow if weather permits we head north and what the weatherman predicts is an improvement over what we have been having.
We talked to Slim on the “Deer Leap” (heritage 85 ft. Hoffar Beehing Boeing Yacht) and he came across from Port McNeill and his words "We got hammered in the wave troughs with all manner of things flying about".”Sea Otter” & "Shaman II" reported some of the same weather.  We'll See!

Eagle in Motion

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