Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tuesday July 22, 2014

Tuesday July 22 Weigh anchor and plot a course to Troup Passage and looking for a new bay to explore and we locate one on the chart. It’s a no name bay that the writers of EXPLORING THE NORTH COAST OF BRITISH COLUMBIA have called DISCOVERY COVE.  It is a land locked bowl with a narrow entrance. 

There is the Odd Lump in Troup Narrows

We venture in with caution as there is sometimes a bump on the bottom that is not marked on the chart. Before we get there we have to navigate Troup Narrows and it is a bit tricky.  Pen and I double check our navigation through a couple of times before committing to the twists and turns. What makes us a bit uncomfortable is that we did not calculate for a push on the butt from the tidal current that would glide OA right up on to a rock. There would be no martinis on the bow at last sun as it would be under water. We would now need long straws and wet suits.

There are two Grand Banks vessels in our newly discovered Discovery Bay and we select a corner out of their view to assure them their private space. The depth sounder is confused as there is a number of thermal layers in the water under are keel including the dark creek tea water that comes into the bay that makes the water black. We look at the chart and surmise that we are in about at 40 ft. at low water, I release the anchor and chain and it’s on its merry way into the briny black.
 In ONE SPLIT SECOND THE CHAIN HAS JUMPED THE GYPSY, and GOES screaming out at furious rate. There is no way to stop it from ripping out; IT is a thousand pounds of raging bull. I grab the stainless locking bar and try to hold it from streaming off to one side over the teak work and the soft flesh of the bull works. Penny is there yelling (what can I do?) DON’T DO ANYTHING, JUST LET RUN. IT RAGED ON colour depth marker after colour depth marker, streaming past BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, RED AND

Bad Anchor Winch
For a moment I could not remember IF the bitter end was fastened nor NOT and would it stand the sudden stop????????????????????????  Curompth and all was silent. 

I composed myself, returned the chain to proper receiver on the gypsy and pulled it all in but 100ft and as it had pounded into the goo at the bottom of the bay, every inch had to be washed down. That night I lay awake trying to think what I had done different this time. 

It had threatened to do this before but I had been diligent and kept the heavy chain in its place on a slow decent to the bottom. I will have to make a safety guide or be very diligent before I lose an arm or fingers or a thousand pounds of expensive anchor gear.

Sunset in Discovery Bay, Troup Passage
We are off for a pleasant Gunk.  A Mega Yacht anchors in the bay nearby and see its gleaming white hull gets last sun. I wonder for moment if he/she has problems like ours???????Of course he /she does, it’s a boat. They are just insulated from our prying eyes and of course they have people. 

You have to wonder is it Sandra Bullock, Tiger Woods, President Clinton or whoever are on this glistening floating palace and the crew dancing about for your every whim.  Then it dawns on me that what we have is the silence and the enjoyment of just our company.