Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thursday August 28, 2014

Vanada Boating Club
Thursday August 28 we plan to depart for Pender Harbour at first light or maybe second light, but most likely when we figured how to get out of here.  Penny called her youngest sister Jamie to wish her a Happy Birthday.




BYC Outstation in Garden Bay
We find are way out and turn south and as we get near to Pender it gets a bit lumpy.  We work our way to the BYC dock in Garden Bay and there is one vessel there. “Desiree II”I is a 52? Bayliner and we last saw her in Squirrel Cove.   She is owned by the Schuman’s. They seem to enjoy going slow and as their boat is probably capable of twenty knots, they have slowed to smell the flowers and the ride.    They must have passed us when we were in Vananda.

Seattle Yacht Club in Garden Bay

Chevy likes it here as it has familiar old smells. Did I tell she has a good sniffer for a Rat dog?

Madera Park has a very good IGA store, with a close aboard Liquor store, thrift store and a number of restaurants. We finished off the day with a putt around GUN BOAT BAY. This back bay in Pender is now where the rich and famous have deemed suitable to build their estate/retirement homes.







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